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Writing a Killer Recommenders Outline for a Letter of Recommendation

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Writing a Killer Recommenders Outline for a Letter of Recommendation
Cassandra Cloutier
Writing a Killer Recommenders Outline for a Letter of Recommendation

It's not easy to write a college recommendation letter, especially when your recommender doesn't have the right information. For the best outcome, follow these tips.

We all wish for teachers, mentors, and bosses who recognize and praise our accomplishments. Unfortunately, these sorts of people are hard to come by. While you may take great care when choosing your recommenders, even the best recommenders may have trouble remembering all of the details of your achievements. For this reason, it is often helpful to provide your recommender with a self-assessing outline delineating your noteworthy qualities and accomplishments. This outline can serve as a resource that your recommender can use as a reference while drafting his or her recommendation letter for your college application.

Your outline should be a bullet pointed summary that includes your strongest traits and concrete examples of moments where you have demonstrated these traits. The outline for your recommender should not differ significantly from your outline for your college admissions essay. There should be three main components for this outline: (1) your theme, (2) your subcategories (these will be one to three of your strongest traits), and (3) your supporting evidence. Unlike your personal statement essay outlines, this outline should not include introspection. The introspective statements in the recommendation letter will come from your recommender’s own opinion about your potential for success.

The makings of an outline for your recommendation letter for graduate school

1. Theme

The theme to every recommendation letter is the same: that you would be an excellent addition to the student body at the university to which you are applying. You should generally advertise yourself as a great student for any university.

2. Subcategories: list up to three of your best traits

List traits that you have demonstrated to the recommender for whom you are drafting this outline. The reason for which schools ask for several letters of recommendation is that they expect you to have several positive and distinct qualities that you demonstrate in various settings in your life. Do not give the same outline to different recommenders. A previous employer cannot attest to your studying habits in the same way that a teacher cannot speak on your performance in the workplace. Think about what sort of assessments your recommender is qualified to make.

Be forward-thinking when selecting your traits. Think of qualities that predispose you to be successful as a college student. Most programs look for the same qualities in students: involvement, competence, diligence, the ability to work as part of a team, leadership potential, and drive. If you're stuck, read our 5 traits colleges look for in their applicants, and brainstorm which of these you best exemplify.

3. Supporting Evidence: how have you showcased your traits?

Be concrete and specific. Cite instances where you displayed your best traits. Do not be afraid to give too much detail here; your recommender can choose to include or omit whichever portions that he or she would like. This should serve as a reminder for your recommender, so include memory-provoking details. Place the moment in a setting and give a time reference (e.g., during a final presentation; the week after the first exam, a few days before a long break). Try to avoid hyperboles and superlatives — simply explain the circumstances under which you have displayed the qualities that you claim to have.

The format of your outline

This outline is different from your personal statement essay outline in that it is supplementary rather than prescriptive. Your recommenders will use pieces of your outlines in your recommendations at their discretion. The outline should be used to indicate to your recommender the qualities that you are trying to advertise. We have outlined below a way of presenting the outline in a clear and direct way to maximize its efficacy.

Step 1: Write your objective at the top of the outline. This will include your theme and your subcategories in a succinct sentence; think of this as a working thesis that you may change as you think of supporting evidence.

Step 2: Write down your subcategories (one to three of your best traits) as bullet points beneath your objective.

Step 3: Under each subcategory, write one to three indented bullets that include your supporting evidence. These should be concrete examples using strong verbs, similar to your resume, that portray you in the best possible light and demonstrate your positive qualities.

Step 4: You may choose to include a short conclusion (one to three sentences). Use this as an opportunity to explain the implications of these traits.

Sample outline for a graduate school recommendation letter

Here is a sample outline written for Kyra's high school English teacher: 

Objective: I feel that I would be an excellent addition to Imaginary University’s journalism major because of my creativity, my work ethic, and my ability to collaborate with a team.

• Creativity

- I contributed original new article ideas to write in the school newspaper, serving to expand my peers' horizons, such as an article citing the impact of the local school board election.
- Proposed a new type of project for my final project in English and wrote a persuasive letter on the benefits of a final exam video instead of a timed test.
- Pitched a new club to the counselor and got a creative writing club approved.

• Work ethic

- I had near perfect attendance at school, plus I participated in all school newspaper meetings after school and was the founder of the new creative writing club.
- I was promoted to News Editor after my English teacher saw my diligence in consistently writing articles and meeting deadlines.
- When one of my fellow newspaper writers fell ill for a week before finals, I successfully finished both his newspaper article and my own.

• Teamwork

- I worked collaboratively with the other section editors of the school newspaper to plan and organize articles and pages for each issue.
- The creative club I founded wrote a collaborative story and printed it in the school newspaper.

• Conclusion:

- My creativity will allow me to contribute to a project or academic setting in a uniquely useful way. I also have the ability to continue being productive without frequently having mind blocks or coming to standstills.
- My work ethic will enable me to assume great responsibility, consistently contribute to projects, and perform reliably as a journalist. I am prepared to take advantage of each opportunity that Imaginary University’s journalism program offers, including its internship with a local paper.
- My ability to fit in well in a team and take leadership roles when necessary sets me aside from applicants who are accustomed to always working alone or who find it difficult to take or provide constructive criticism.

Your outline should not be longer than one typed page. Remember that this is merely a resource for the recommender, so you do not want to write the letter for them.

In a Nutshell: The Do's and Don'ts of Writing Your Recommendation Outline


  • Be specific.
  • Portray yourself in the best possible light. Make it clear that you will be an active member of the university’s student body and a successful alumnus.
  • Include specific, memory-triggering details.
  • Write separate outlines for each of your recommenders, focusing each outline on the traits each recommender is qualified to write.
  • Do your research. Make sure to pick qualities that show that you are a good fit for the university and program you have selected.


  • Say or reveal anything negative about yourself.
  • Use flowery or hyperbolic language.
  • Write introspective statements for your recommender.
  • Focus on coming up with a flashy story. You want strong evidence, not theatrics.  

These points should help you put together a strong outline to help your recommender with his or her letter. Put a significant amount of thought and time into this outline, since this is the only part of the recommendation letter to which you can contribute.

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Cassandra Cloutier
Cassandra Cloutier is a NY-based actor, writer, and educator. She graduated from Marymount Manhattan College in 2019 with a BFA in acting, and her acting credits include Evil Lives Here on Discovery+ and productions at The Actor’s Temple and Shakespeare NYC. She worked as a Writing Coordinator and the Social Media Manager for Prompt for several years and until August 2023.